Salt can cause skin diseases

It activates cells that cause allergies. Scientists from the University of Munich conducted a study and found that salt can be much more dangerous than it seems. For example, cause skin diseases. Experts believe that the salt leads to the formation of Th2 cells. These immune cells are active in allergic conditions such as atopic… Continue reading Salt can cause skin diseases

Common Skin Disorders

The skin problem is very similar to cough and cold. Just as we ignore the disease and usually do not follow the prescribed medicine to cure it, we usually ignore our skin and its problems until it turns into something really serious. The skin is one of the most sensitive parts of the human body. It consists of several layers and, therefore, requires proper treatment both inside and out. While some people care about the external surface of the skin, they tend to forget to take care of their internal nutrition, which leads to a number of diseases. Although much depends on the environment in which we live, the quality of human skin also depends on our daily diet. Skin diseases are varied. They can range from harmless rashes to serious problems. Therefore, the treatment of skin diseases also depends on the problem. Check the video below to find out more information.

Infectious and parasitic skin diseases

Parasitic dermatoses include pruritic skin diseases caused by parasitic animals. Some of them penetrate deep into the skin and spend their life cycle in whole or in part, other outdoor parasites are blood-sucking insects (lice, fleas, bugs, mosquitoes, some types of flies, etc.), as well as ticks living on animals and birds (dogs, cats, rats,… Continue reading Infectious and parasitic skin diseases

What are the causes and treatment of skin diseases?

Doctors consider the skin an independent organ, because it has a complex structure and performs vital functions. The peculiarity of skin disease is the presence of noticeable symptoms in the early stages of disorder. The diagnosis and treatment of any dermatological diseases are necessary condition for a return to fulfilling life. Consider the main skin diseases, their characteristic symptoms and methods of treatment.

How diagnose and treat Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin disease, in which red rashes cover the body. They merge into spots over time. A person can be bothered by itch that doesn’t allow to fall asleep. There may be complications, for example, arthritis. Psoriasis significantly affects the quality of life. Studies show that patients feel as bad, how suffer person with heart failure or severe hypertension.